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The Rogue Prince Of Persia

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Platformer
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Evil Empire

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'The Rogue Prince of Persia' Early Access Update Adds New Biome, Traps/Weapons, Meta Progression And More - Trailer

by Rainier on June 10, 2024 @ 4:15 p.m. PDT

The Rogue Prince of Persia is a 2D fast-paced action-platforming roguelite.

The Rogue Prince of Persia is set in a fictional rendition of Ctesiphon, the capital of the Persian Empire. The city faces invasion by the Hun's army of possessed soldiers, led by the malevolent Hun chief, Nogai. Players will embody the Prince, who was gifted with a mystical bola that resurrects him each time he dies. This magical artifact has let him take huge risks to perfect the skills of acrobatics & combat in his youth, molding him into a formidable warrior. In attempt after attempt, players must help the Prince explore different biomes, master new weapons, equip new trinkets, upgrade his gears at the Oasis and rally his allies to save the city from destruction.

To master the platforming sections, players will have to use the iconic wall run, allowing them to easily cross gaps, avoid traps and outmaneuver enemies. From the aqueduct to the grand academy, by way of the wild gardens, the Prince must use all his acrobatic skills to safely find a route through procedurally generated levels made of a variety of colorful biomes, inspired by Persian architecture.

On top of all the environmental hazards players will have to deal with, they must fight through various enemies, both Huns wielding the dark shamanic magic and creatures corrupted by its influence. Plenty of weapon options are available, to suit all playstyles, from twin daggers to spears, broad swords, and axes. Secondary weapons open the combat even further, with a choice of shields, bows, grappling hooks and more! Using these in combination with the wall run, shoulder vault, kick and stomp makes the Prince a formidable warrior, and also makes each run completely unique.

The recently released 2D fast-paced platformer roguelite The Rogue Prince of Persia dropped the first major title update to its Early Access during the conference.

“The Temple of Fire” brings a vibrant yet treacherous new biome in which players will have to mobilize all their skills to overcome new enemies, traps, and traversal challenges. Evil Empire studio spiced up the experience with 2 new mobs, the Shielded Warrior and Duellist, as well as 1 new weapon, the Flaming Censers. This update also introduces the Meta Progression Skill Tree, which allows players to use Spirit Glimmers to unlock persistent improvements.

The Temple of Fire is the first major content addition among multiple updates leading up to the 1.0 launch of the game, based on community feedback collected throughout the Early Access phase.

We've got swinging axes, we've got pressure plate spikes, we've got arrows shooting out of the walls, we've got big balls of fire, we've got hulking new enemies, and we've got a mystical Persian temple just begging to be explored.


  • New biome - Temple of Fire (after Berude boss)
  • First meta progression addition, in the Oasis - this will be expanded in the near future!!!
  • New traps (limited to Temple biome) - Spinning Axes, Pressure Spikes and Arrow Booby Traps
  • New weapon - Flaming Censers (big swinging balls on fiiiireeee)
  • New mobs - Defensive Juggernaut (big fella with a bigger shield) and Aggressive Juggernaut (big fella with a bigger sword... and a bigger shield)

Meta Progression

You wanted it, we brought it. You can now spend Spirit Glimmers to unlock permanent upgrades for max health, extra health potions, recycling, Spirit Glimmer retention, dive attack damage & more. We will add more options to this as we continue through Early Access!!!

To unlock it, go to Sukhra's tent in the Oasis and buy the Inner Light upgrade. You can then go sit by the fire outside your tent and get those sweet sweet metaprogression upgrades.

Please be aware that the dive attack doesn't 100% destroy shields anymore - this effect is now unlocked as an upgrade in the skill tree.

Temple of Atar

In this holy temple you can expect to find trap-filled corridors with spinning axes, pressure spikes and arrow booby traps - classic Prince of Persia shenanigans! This new biome can be found after beating Berude, so it's an alternative to Tower of Oblivion. No need to unlock it, it's already there waiting for you.

Flaming Censers

Complete a challenge room in the Temple of Atar and you'll unlock the Flaming Censers. These two big metal balls can be swung to smack your enemies, with a spinning move to finish the combo. Hold the attack button to use the special move, which is to set the balls on fire...

Attack with the flaming balls to do extra fire damage (and trigger elemental reactions), but the flames won't last long!

The Juggernauts

Meet the twins - these guys have been eating their vegetables and grown up big and strong. While one will just bash you in the face with his humongous shield, throwing you back (and probably into a deadly trap or waiting enemy), the other will take swings at you with a massive sword. Try and dodge this guy and he'll swing again behind him, so keep on your toes!


  • NPCs are now more talkative
  • Tweaks to the stomp (it can now hit mobs that you hit in the air!)

Bug fixes

There are also numerous smaller bug fixes in this update, and we're still working on ensuring performance is as good as it can be :)

Save Issue

Our weekly update last week caused some people to lose their save (it is still in the Steam folder, it just didn't migrate properly).

For most people it migrated automatically, but if you encounter this problem, follow these steps to get it back:

  • go to Steam\userdata\'your steam account ID'\2717880\remote
  • Copy the the save file in there (should be called 'global')
  • Go to Steam\steamapps\common\The Rogue Prince Of Persia\userdata\saves\'folder with an ID'
  • Paste the files there
  • Rename the file and just add ".sav" on the end, so you end up with 'global.sav' as the name

If that doesn't work, then redo the steps but with the game open, then close it and relaunch the game.

The game’s soundtrack is produced and composed by ASADI, a Persian-American Electronic Music Producer and Performance Artist. His talent and creativity will immerse players into a modern and epic vision of Persian folklore. The Rogue Prince of Persia’s Original Soundtrack is a fusion between traditional and modern sonorities, with rhythms supporting the moves and flow of the Prince.

Evil Empire studio benefits from a solid experience of 2D action-platforming rogue-lites. Wanting to start a brand-new project, they approached Ubisoft with their own take on the Prince of Persia brand, well known for its innovative spirit and gameplay masterclass.  Ubisoft, as the publisher, and Evil Empire, as the developer, chose to release the game in Early Access on Steam to work with the community and make the best game possible with the players, using the existing polished heart as a base. As time passes, players can expect new levels, bosses, weapons, enemies and upgrades to arrive, as well as additions based on community feedback. As of now the story has a hard stop in-game, but more will come!

Currently available through Steam Early Access, The Rogue Prince Of Persia is coming to PC (Steam) in 2025, with other platforms to follow.

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