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Platform(s): PC
Genre: Action
Publisher: Buka
Developer: CREOTEAM

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Collapse' - Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on Jan. 1, 2006 @ 1:30 a.m. PST

Collapse is a 3d action adventure, set in the alternate future of 2096 A.D. The new world is full of anomaly, extraterrestrial creatures and mechanisms beyond our comprehension.The remains of humankind live under the constant menace of alien attacks, while the law of the strongest has taken place over the society. You are Rodan, the only surviving member of an elite group called Lords, the last barrier between the total annihilation.

Get the Collapse Trailer ofF WP (100mb)

The new world is full of anomaly, extraterrestrial creatures and mechanisms beyond our comprehension.The remains of humankind live under the constant menace of alien attacks, while the law of the strongest has taken place over the society.

The Lords, an elite group appeared from the total chaos and anarchy and were the only barrier between the total annihilation. Until they were killed

Rodan is the only of Lords left alive. He doesn't know yet that he's only a pawn taking part in a big game… And he doesn’t suspect what is his part in this history. But the life cannot be foreseen. Even a pawn can play a crucial role in the game

Collapse” is a remarkable 3D Action game with gripping adventure elements. Striking realism of character, organic combination of cold and fire-arms, colorful impacts and fighting acrobatics, the interactive destroyed world, unique design and deep story line – CreoTeam is making an amazing job! And stunning music by NewTone makes this job even more impressive

Key Features:

  • Hyper-realistic characters and movements, all of them created under the “Motion Capture” technology.
  • A huge world to discover and explore, divided into several zones, full of secrets and enemies.
  • Intuitive hit combo system based on mouse and keyboard clicks. Perform amazing and painful combos with your weapons.
  • State of the art physics system. Hundreds of elements in the scenario can be destroyed, moved and used as pieces to solve complex puzzles.
  • Dozens of acrobatic movements to perform, even using elements of the scenario like walls, bars, ladders, etc…

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