Archives by Day

March 2025


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Mark Crump's Articles

PC Review - 'True Crime: Streets of L.A.'

by Mark Crump on May 23, 2004 @ 1:46 a.m. PDT | Filed under Reviews

True Crime: Streets of L.A. for the PC thrusts players into the role of rogue Elite Operations Division operative Nick Kang, a no-holds-barred badass, whose brutal reputation and lethal skills have landed him the nasty task of taking down the Chinese Triad and Russian Mafia cartel that have turned Los Angeles into a war zone. The PC version takes the driving, fighting and shooting action online with all-new multiplayer features, as well as new weapons and unlockable characters.

PC Preview - 'Soldner: Secret Wars'

by Mark Crump on May 18, 2004 @ 1:35 a.m. PDT | Filed under Previews

In 'Soldner: Secret Wars' the player takes command of one of these special teams. As Commander he leads the small high tech army consisting of soldiers, light armoured vehicles, helicopters and VTOLs to fulfill a wide variety of mission. The Simulation of a highly complex political system creates a dynamic campaign: each decision has direct impact on the flow of the game.

PC Preview - 'World of WarCraft'

by Mark Crump on April 18, 2004 @ 1:48 a.m. PDT | Filed under Previews

Rich in legend and filled with adventure, the World of Warcraft awaits! For the first time, players experience the lands of Azeroth from a new, in-depth perspective. As heroes, they explore familiar battlefields, discover new lands and take on epic quests and challenges in Blizzards massively multiplayer, on-line, role-playing game. Read more to check out our preview, part 1.

PC Preview - 'City of Heroes'

by Mark Crump on April 7, 2004 @ 2:40 a.m. PDT | Filed under Previews

City of Heroes is the first superhero themed online RPG and will offer a host of exciting and compelling gameplay features. Players create their own heroes, choosing from hundreds of different powers, skills, abilities, and items and design their own unique costumes. Then they can band together with other players to fight evil, build their own secret headquarters and strive to become the premiere hero group in the city.

PC Review - 'Universal Combat'

by Mark Crump on April 2, 2004 @ 1:37 a.m. PST | Filed under Reviews

Universal Combat brings the greatest components of war together in a single game. Conceived in late 2001 as Battlecruiser Generations, the fifth in the Battlecruiser series, the game has grown into much more than a massive space simulation. Uinversal Combat is a game of incomprehensible scale that allows gamers to choose any aspect of combat they wish.

PC Review - 'EverQuest: Gates of Discord'

by Mark Crump on March 26, 2004 @ 2:43 a.m. PST | Filed under Reviews

The greatest threat to the world of Norrath has been unleashed in EverQuest! The lost continent of Taelosia has been discovered and a massive assault force, the Legion of Mata Muram, is creating chaos and devastation on this once peaceful continent!

PC Review - 'Battlefield Vietnam'

by Mark Crump on March 25, 2004 @ 1:36 a.m. PST | Filed under Reviews

Lock and load your M-16 and grab your flak jacket, it's time to hit the jungle in Battlefield Vietnam. The Battlefield franchise is moving to a new era equipped with more firepower and beautiful yet ferocious new combat settings. Staying true to the over-the-top, action-packed multiplayer style that gave Battlefield 1942 its critical and commercial success, Battlefield Vietnam will drop players into some of the Vietnam War's fiercest battles.

PC Preview - 'Panzers'

by Mark Crump on March 18, 2004 @ 1:57 a.m. PST | Filed under Previews

Panzers takes you into the heady battles of World War II. Whether you play in towns with bullet-riddled buildings, bleak mountain landscapes or treacherous swamps - Panzers gives you real-time combat rampages in awesome 3D graphics. Experience the nerve-jangling thrill of strategic gaming - in Panzers! We got the chance to play with an early build, read more to find out how it went ...

'Dark Age Of Camelot: New Frontiers' - Developer Q&A

by Mark Crump on March 16, 2004 @ 3:03 a.m. PST | Filed under Interviews

In "Trials of Atlantis", the player sets off on a breathtaking adventure into the mysterious, unexplored depths of Oceanus, to the towering heights of the lost, ancient city of Aerus, on a voyage across the majestic sand dunes in the desert of Stygie, and on a perilous mission to lake Volcania, with its deadly lava. The player's quest for artifacts in this fantastic universe, populated with incredible and strange monsters, is a constant challenge. With the upcoming Frontiers expansion pack, we sent out our resident MMORPG guru to track down Mythic Entertainment's Matt Firor and ask him a few questions ...

PC Preview - 'Far Cry' Multiplayer

by Mark Crump on March 12, 2004 @ 2:40 a.m. PST | Filed under Previews

Far Cry is set around 2020 on a set of tropical islands in the pacific. And has a strong tropical-paradise feel, scenic in its beauty, but, harbors a terrible threat. It is a mix of jungle / primal / and next-gen technology. As the player you find yourself drawn into a secretive plot involving secret research facilities with scientists involved in military genetic-research, a secret "security" force of mercenaries, and, advanced net-generation weaponry and equipment. Earlier we covered Far Cry's singleplayer portion, now we tackle the multiplayer part ...