Archives by Day

March 2025


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First Lord of the Rings Game Screenshot

by Thomas on Dec. 23, 2001 @ 8:29 p.m. PST | Filed under News

The first screens from Vivendi's Lord of the Rings Game based on the books is now available.. It's Gamer's Voice that got this first screen posted up and the game is described as follows:

The Fellowship of the Ring is an Xbox title slated for release in fourth quarter 2002 and is being developed by Seattle-based WXP, Inc. The game is a third-person action title in which gamers play as three members of the fellowship, Frodo, Aragorn and Gandalf, on a journey from the Shire to the depths of Moria and all the way to the River Anduin. Hot stuff! Check it out.

Divine Divinity delayed again

by Thomas on Dec. 23, 2001 @ 8:24 p.m. PST | Filed under News

I was just over to RPGDot and found a interesting article there about Divine Divinity is delayed again.. Here is a snip from the article:

Aye - it's no joke. has turned out to be quite a beast, and while the beta has been there for some time now, the QA necessary for this game is amazing. There's so much you can do, and all of that has to be tested, balanced and tweaked. If we wouldn't do that to the point of perfection (which we're trying) you would end up with a game with "potentials" rather than "accomplishments", and that's one thing we don't want to do. Head over to RPGDot for full story!

Ahriman's Map Pack

by Thomas on Dec. 23, 2001 @ 8:17 p.m. PST | Filed under News

TimeGate Studios offering a new map pack for Kohan: Ahriman's Gift. Just head over to there website and sign up for it there!

Star Wars: Obiwan in Stores

by Thomas on Dec. 23, 2001 @ 10:42 a.m. PST | Filed under News

LucasArts sent a word that their highly anticipated Microsoft XBox action title, Star Wars: Obiwan, is now available on store shelves throughout North America and for a retail price 49.99$

Cold Zero: The Last Stand Screens

by Thomas on Dec. 23, 2001 @ 10:39 a.m. PST | Filed under News

The Czech's site Tiscali Games today tossed up some new screens from JoWood Productions upcoming 3D action adventure, Cold Zero: The Last Stand. Also a new 8 Mb movie trailer is available to grab.

StarTopia mission

by Thomas on Dec. 23, 2001 @ 10:33 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Last of the Xmas updates is an extra StarTopia mission from the depths of the design deptment. To play it you will need to have the 1.0.1 patch installed. Take me there!