Archives by Day

March 2025


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WorthPlaying Forum Is Back

by Thomas on Oct. 20, 2002 @ 5:22 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Welcome to our new forum! In our forum you can post anything relevant about PC/CONSOLE gaming. To create topics and posts you should register, and it's free. By doing so, you create an online profile. You find the link to our forum above! Enjoy your stay!

'Lara Croft' Christmas Deadline Race

by Thomas on Oct. 20, 2002 @ 3:36 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Telegraph UK reports that Eidos, the computer games designer, is in last-ditch talks with Sony to meet the November launch date of its latest Lara Croft game for the PlayStation 2. Delaying the high-profile launch - ahead of the vital Christmas trading period - would be a serious blow for Eidos. However, with just four weeks to go, it is understood that Eidos has yet to submit the game to Sony Computer Entertainment for approval. That process usually takes between three and four weeks. Even a week's delay could be damaging for Eidos. In the US, the Thanksgiving weekend of November 29 to 31 is a particularly important selling period.

GBA Review - 'LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring'

by The Cookie Snatcher on Oct. 20, 2002 @ 3:49 a.m. PDT | Filed under Reviews

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, is a single player lite-RPG where the player follows the storyline of The Fellowship of the Ring, the first volume of J.R.R. Tolkien's saga. Throughout the game, the player will have control over the Fellowship members, at times controlling up to nine characters at once. This title is considered a lite-RPG since it will streamline the usual number-crunching found in most RPG's and simplify it to a more action-oriented, quick-paced format. Combat is turn-based, like most RPG's, but will provide a default AI that will control character actions if the player so chooses.