The weekend is off to somewhat of a weak start. The BBQ that I was SO looking forward to didn't happen. An odd change of plans stood in the way of my grilled steak, dammit!
I'll have to make up for it when we hit the town with some other friends tonight, Vinnie's, here I come!
Hope you all checked out our
Nathan Fillion interview yesterday! If not, you better be on your way right now! It's good, and it's kind of funny to read about a Hollywood celebrity actually being into gaming, unlike other actors who "claim" they are gamers just to promote a game. Nathan, beware, I'll be sneaking up on you with an energy sword or whack you with the (gravity) hammer of doom!
As I mentioned earlier this week, we'll probably be doing a few site updates, little tweaks here and there, and catching up on some Tokyo Game Show coverage, so there'll be plenty to read around these parts of the Internets.