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PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'World War II: D-Day to Berlin' from Codemasters - Development Screens

by Rainier on Nov. 29, 2001 @ 11:54 a.m. PST

Codemasters has secured the worldwide publishing rights to The Bitmap Brothers’ new real-time action strategy game development project entitled World War II: D-Day to Berlin. Scheduled as a priority PC title for Q3 2002, World War II: D-Day to Berlin is set to capture the heroism of World War II’s most significant battles. As Commander of the Allied Forces, the game will see players attempting to drive the Axis forces deep back inside their own territory

Says Gary Rowe, Head of Business Development at Codemasters:
"Recent successes in mass entertainment fields, including film and television drama, prove that World War II continues to be an evergreen source of fascination and embraces an audience across many generations.

"The Bitmap Brothers’ skills for creating absorbing, engaging and often astonishing gaming classics is a vital part of bringing World War II: D-Day to Berlin’s scenarios alive on the screens of a far-reaching PC audience."

Mike Montgomery, Managing Director of The Bitmap Brothers, comments:
"We’re committed to creating an experience that will have broad appeal from the core RTS player through to the casual gamer who will be attracted by the game’s historical detail. We’re very excited to have Codemasters’ support and international publishing strength for this project, which we believe can become a major blockbuster."


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