Players are able to download RoboForge directly from the Roboforge website and, using a straightforward yet advanced construction kit, can build their own bespoke 3D robots on their PC. Once basic construction is complete, further components such as artificial intelligence and personalised tactics are installed, resulting in constructions ranging from basic functional fighting machines to complex and highly individualised creations. The skills available to the virtual machines are enhanced by the accuracy of the physics involved in the calculations of their movements, resulting in a highly authentic overall effect.

Before facing the final competition, the participant is given the opportunity to test their designs against RoboForge’s own robots. This allows the designer to improve their robot until they feel ready to venture out into the real world of the Internet, and the ultimate challenge of an online tournament. In this culmination of training, hard work and nurturing, the robot is sent off to battle whilst the player becomes a silent observer. Whilst inevitably the preliminary games will probably end in disappointment, with expected daily prizes of up to US$10,000 in the professional tournaments, players will surely be enticed back again and again.
RoboForge is to be distributed globally via CD:ROM magazine cover mounts and download sites using the Softwrap system. Softwrap is free upfront to developers and allows software to be distributed electronically secure from piracy and unauthorised usage, whilst offering software users the chance to experience fully working versions of the game on a ‘try-before-you-buy’ basis. Distribution through this method offers considerable advantages to both software developers and users, as costs are significantly reduced and more extensive trials can be offered. To this extent, Roboforge is available as a free, fully working 20-use and/or 14-day trial, after which it can be automatically purchased by either secure Internet connection or toll-free 24/7 phone call for US$29.95 (around £21). To celebrate the Softwrap release of RoboForge, for a limited time only the game will be available at the special price of US$19.95 (around £14).

Commenting on the Softwrap release of RoboForge, Mike Ward, CEO of Liquid Edge, Said: “Electronic distribution is the future of software distribution – not only will our users be able to trial RoboForge from the convenience of their PC, they will also be able to benefit from the substantial savings brought about by this sophisticated solution. In addition, our software is also protected from piracy, which was always the major draw back of electronic distribution in the past, and a key factor in our choosing Softwrap to distribute RoboForge.”
RoboForge is a constructive and intelligent game, with most of the game play being focused on the building and testing of the robot. The player can gain a huge sense of satisfaction and a sense of ownership from creating, nurturing and training a champion contender. Through RoboForge, Liquid Edge has created a new genre of game play, where players have the opportunity to become true gaming professionals As Ward commented: “It’s a gamer’s dream come true!”
Game Specifications:
PC 233 Mhz CPU
64 MB Ram
8MB 3D
Price: US$29.95 ($19.95 for a limited period)

About Softwrap
British-based Softwrap is the provider of a sophisticated and advanced turnkey digital rights management (DRM) solution for the secure peer-to-peer (P2P) electronic distribution of software. Free up-front and with over 2000 registered developers globally, the company is able to provide unique end-to-end services suitable for all types of software houses and all windows-based applications or games. 57% of Softwrap’s user base are independent developers, 33% are SME’s, and 10% are large corporations.
The sister company of Softwrap is Soundwrap, a secure DRM solution for the P2P digital distribution of music. Softwrap and Soundwrap are wholly owned subsidiaries of WrapTech Ltd, a leading ecommerce company specialising in products and services that enable digital distribution and sales in many formats. With representation in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, WrapTech Ltd facilitates ongoing research and development of software technology, and also ensures the best opportunity of globally distributing their business partners’ music and software, with a potential reach of over forty countries. For further information, see
Softwrap is a registered trademark of WrapTech Ltd.
About Liquid Edge
Liquid Edge was formed in New Zealand in 1999 by Darren Green in order to continue the development of the RoboForge game, which had started life as a part time project with some programming friends in a basement. Just One year later, Liquid Edge won the Start-Up of the Year Award at the Hi-Tech Excellence Awards, New Zealand’s premier business awards.