The game is a strategic real-time battle robot simulator. "Parkan. Iron Strategy" is the first and only game in the world where the player can do all of this in the same game:
- fight in the open or inside the buildings as the captain of a Parkan cruiser
- control a squad of battle robots on a battlefield
- issue orders to mobile units from inside a well-protected bunker
- create hundreds of different designs of battle machines and control them in person or remotely.
The game has five campaigns, united by a common plot, several supplementary missions and a series of network games.
The project, which took nearly four years to complete, is finally finished.
Eugene Lomko, Nikita's Director of Sales and Marketing comments on the event:
"It has taken so much of our time and effort to implement this project that it's difficult to get used to the fact that the marathon is now finished and it only remains for us to localize the game into the languages of our partners. I am certain that the Parkan gaming universe will soon have great numbers of players from all over the globe as its fans, and we will continue to further develop this remarkable world."

The game received high marks from the Russian computer game press, such as "Game Land", "Game World Navigator" and "Igromania" magazines. The international press has also been monitoring the final stages of this project very closely. The latest game screenshots can be seen at,, and many other web-sites.
"Parkan. Iron Strategy" is licensed for distribution in Taiwan, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Australia, Poland, Holland and Belgium. Nikita is looking for international publishers who might be interested in releasing the game on local markets commercially.