A hilarious and engaging adventure, Ice Age is a must-see digitally animated feature film for the entire family. Set against the onslaught of the Ice Age - and a world filled with wonder and danger - the story revolves around four unforgettable misfits: Manny, an acerbic wooly mammoth (voiced by Ray Romano); Sid, an irreverent, unsocialized giant sloth (voiced by John Leguizamo); Diego, a scheming saber-toothed tiger (voiced by Denis Leary); and Scrat, a prehistoric squirrel / rat. Together, they take on one unexpected passenger- an abandoned human baby, Roshan and during their perilous quest, the four become reluctant allies and, ultimately, unlikely heroes.
In the Ubi Soft game, fans will enjoy 10 different levels that depict everything from icy caverns to lava-spewing volcanoes. Players can try on the power and size of Manny the mammoth in levels where stomping, striking and throwing big nuts ensures victory. If speed is their game, players can run, jump and slide while playing Sid the sloth during action and speed based levels. Make sure to avoid falling rocks, vicious saber-tooth tigers and other prehistoric creatures in this very cool adventure.
Even if their Game Boy® Advance isn't Arctic or Glacier - players will still take part in the coolest road trip ever, when Ubi Soft brings Ice Age™ to the Game Boy® Advance!