Archangel Features:
- A plot bursting with excitement and atmosphere, somewhere between science fiction and fan-tasy, conjures up a unique world populated with unusual conflicts and characters.
- Character development is independent of the gameplay: Players can choose between two differ-ent classes of characters - spirit and warrior.
- Three diverse settings - Antiquity, futuristic Berlin and the World of Evil - combine real loca-tions with hitherto unseen landscapes and fascinating edifices.
- Computer controlled characters come to life! They're not passive, but take an active part in the action.
- Violence has been reduced to the bare minimum and is woven into the plot. The player is re-warded for intelligent behaviour rather than mindless destruction.
- The high-end graphics engine has been optimised for the latest generation of video cards.
- The best elements of role play - character development, exploration of the game world, intelli-gent NPCs and monsters - meet with the best of action entertainment - fast, action-packed fights, hordes of opponents, numerous weapons and grandiose special effects.
Fishtank Interactive
Fishtank Interactive is the games label of the Ravensburger Interactive Media software-publishing house. Established in April 2000, Fishtank is a part of the Ravensburger Games Division based in Mu-nich, Germany. With its new label and focus on premium titles, Ravensburger Interactive intends to make its mark on the international market for games. The company cooperates with innovative develop-ers the world over and markets its games through its own subsidiaries in the German-speaking coun-tries, France and North America. Its special focus is on action, strategy and role-playing games for PCs and a variety of console formats. Eight titles are scheduled for release in 2002 alone.