Dave Evans, New Media Director for GAME/EB said "We're delighted with the number of people who voted, demonstrating how much appeal video games have today".
According to those polled the top 3 games of all time across all formats were:
1. GTA3 (PS2)
2. Sims : Hot Date (PC)
3. Max Payne (PS2).
GTA3 received 51% of all votes and explains why it is one of the best-selling PS2 game ever released. GTA3 was also featured in GAME's top 10 sales figures for web transactions from AOL members.
A separate poll about GAME's Top 10 most anticipated games of 2002 is currently live on the AOL service, with the results due to be published in May. This current poll aims to spark yet more interest in games that have yet to be released, and will also include games on the new consoles launching this year, Microsoft's Xbox (out now) and Nintendo's GameCube (due 3 May).