Grab the 'Jedi Knight 2' v2 tools off Worthplaying (10mb)
The updated release includes:
EffectsEd.exe - the editor we used to create EFX files.
BehavEd.exe - the editor we used to create Icarus scripts.
IBIZE.exe - the Icarus script compiler (Note: the ICARUS compiler used in JK2 is the same as the Elite Force version, but the BehavEd.bhc file has changed.)
roq.exe - tool to compile images into a RoQ video.
and these Documents:
bot_tutorialot_tutorial.txt - how to make bots for MP
Bot waypoint tutorial.doc
Guide to SOF2JK2 Vertigons.doc
Guide to SOF2JK2 Weather.doc
ICARUS Manual.doc
Model Constuction Conventions.doc
and - all the scripts from JK2 Single Player as reference.
It will also extract the game source folders:
Code - all the source code for the game VMs. (see
CodeMakeAMod_readme.txt for more info)
bin - the folder for code compiling
ui - support folder to compile code
Plus some more example maps and models to Base as well.