Every young adolescent aspires to be a Cyframe “Adventurer,” including Evolution Worlds’ feisty hero, Mag. Mag and his friend, the enigmatic heroine, Linear, embark on a journey to discover the mysterious Evolutia. Evil warriors of the Eighth Empire are also trying to find Evolutia, the last piece of the ancient world. Mag, Linear and their watchful butler Gre Nade, along with friends Chain Gun and Pepper Spray set out on their perilous journey to save the world from treacherous evil forces, and uncover the truth of Evolutia and the ancient world!
Evolution Worlds Features
- Evolution Worlds is the latest chronicle in the series featuring the best-selling Dreamcast RPG in the U.S., Evolution, and its highly acclaimed sequel, Evolution 2
- Gameplay utilizes 360- degree turn-based tactical combat unique to GameCube
- Evolution Worlds features 60+ hours of gameplay and includes more than 100 characters
- Graphically stunning visuals and special effects are showcased throughout the game
- New features include extra voices, improved visuals, hidden features and new game technology