In the film, the story line sees a mysterious monk, played by the legendary Chow Yun-Fat (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), roaming the planet to protect an ancient scroll that holds the key to unlimited power. However, the monk has realised that soon he will become too old for the task and must train a protégé (Seann William Scott, American Pie) to continue his work in protecting the Scroll of the Ultimate.
Ian Higgins, CEO of Empire said about the licensing deal, "We are delighted to have won the opportunity to work closely with MGM on this unique property and believe it has the potential to become one of the video game hits of the future."
Neil Haldar, Vice President of Production and Business Development, MGM Interactive commented, "In collaborating with Empire, we continue our strong forward momentum in selecting quality partners to bring our unparalleled film content into the realm of interactive videogames. We look forward to working together in developing this film title into a variety of compelling and challenging videogames as we continue to excel in this rapidly growing market."