Will Rock's story centers around Willford Rockwell (aka Will Rock), an unlikely hero whose body is inhabited by the spirit of a defiant Titan. Launched into a fantastic adventure through time, Will arrives in Ancient Greece where he must battle some of mythology's most powerful foes.
Players will experience fast-paced shooter action through 10 huge varied levels and additional expertly designed multiplayer maps. The Ancient Greek/Roman setting allows for unique weapons that support the game's theme, including a Medusa Gun, Flaming Crossbow and Acid Rifle. The game's "real-time shattering" technology allows for a wealth of breakable objects, providing gamers with the experience of a truly interactive environment. With Will Rock's advanced gameplay technology and level design, players must rely on both quick thinking and reactions to solve environmental puzzles and survive the hardcore action!
Venture through a variety of historic settings and environments, battling hordes of mythological enemies. Use increasingly fantastic and powerful weapons in a number of innovative ways - shattering, inflating, melting, petrifying. Solve puzzles and realistically alter the scenery, all at breakneck adrenaline-pumping pace.
Features- 15 unique enemies each with multiple variations, including four huge bosses such as the gigantic Cyclops.
- 11 powerful weapons including flaming crossbow, nuclear atomic gun and acid gun.
- Revolutionary shatter technology – all objects are broken realistically in real-time (no animations).
- Revolutionary morphing technology – allows for real-time melting, inflating, and desiccation.
- 10 single-player levels - each ending with an exciting event such as a boss or puzzle to solve, plus six multiplayer levels for up to eight bloodthirsty competitors.
- Multiplayer modes including Rocket Arena, CTF, Deathmatch, and Treasure Hunt.
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