Class Guide
Author: Roy Smart
The Wastelander is a vital support class of the Order, however this doesn't meanhe's a push over. He is armed with the most-vile weapons of science. He can create the single most powerful weapon of the Order, the Anti-Matter Nuke. The Wastelander is the only one capable of healing members of the Order and the only one capable of re-supplying teammates with ammo.
Playing the Wastelander as a Chemical Soldier

The Wastelander has three very powerful weapons of science. The Chemical Thrower works like a flamethrower only it launches a highly corrosive chemical. This Chemical Thrower is very effective at close range, and at a greater distance, you can use alt fire to fire twice the distance for half the damage. The Maser (microwave laser) does little damage when compared to the Chemical Thrower but has nearly unlimited range. It has no kick back and is very useful for accurate headshots. The alternate-fire releases 4 maser photons that will bounce around individually until they explode; this makes it difficult to dodge.
The Chemical Launcher uses a chemical substance much like the Chemical Thrower however this chemical creates a smoke screen that will damage anything that passes through it. The Chemical Launcher fires a chemical grenade, which has two fire modes, the first mode is a long duration smoke grenade, which will saturate the surrounding area with the toxic chemical for approximately 15 seconds. The smoke is dense and mostly opaque; it can be used standard smoke grenade to obstruct the movement if your team. The alternate-fire will launch what amounts to normal grenade with a 2.5 second fuse. Both grenades are very effective at lobbing into camping spots.
Playing the Wastelander as the Medic/Re-supplier
Dexterity: Good
Energy: Very Good
Tenacity: Low
Agility: LowIntelligence: Good
Life: Low
Strength: Low
Being an effective support class makes your team stronger and is great way to gain Experience Points fast, sometimes faster than actually fighting. When you heal your teammates, you gain Experience Points dependent on how much they are healed, thus you level up, get stronger, faster, and smarter (dependent on your D.E.T.A.I.L.S. layout). The same goes for re-supplying ammo, the more ammo re-supplied, the more Experience Points you receive.
Playing the Wastelander as the Scientist
Dexterity: Low
Energy: Very Good
Tenacity: Low
Agility: Low
Intelligence: Excellent
Life: Low
Strength: Low
Playing as the Scientist is hard and requires protection from other teammates. This is an extreme support character with virtually no fighting ability at low levels. In this mode, the Wastelander can make tons of health and ammo packs, most importantly, you can plant the Anti-Matter Nuke. Your main goal is to stay far behind the other players, healing and re-supplying them until you can be safely escorted to the Chosen base to deploy your Nuke. In the middle of battle, a well-placed Nuke can obliterate a large group of opponents.
The Wastelander is also essential when playing against a Super Portal (Super Portal is a server option), as the only way to damage a Chosen Super Portal is with the Anti-Matter Nuke, and the Wastelander is the only member of the Order trained in portable nuclear weaponry.
Wastelander General Strategies
When attacking an enemy portal, I find the Chemical Launcher particularly useful, once you get used to aiming (if you hit the portal it will bounce off and you will end up missing) you can launch about 5 of them at the enemy portal, and it will continue to receive damage for 15 seconds, from each of the Chemical Grenades, no matter where you are, if the enemy has killed you, the grenades still do their work. The Chosen have not mastered the skill of neutralizing the chemical substance, so their only defense against this strategy is to keep you out of firing range of their portal. The Wastelander has the worst armor of any class in the Order, but don't forget you can heal yourself, however you will not receive Experience Points for such an action (this is not to say you should not heal yourself).
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