NAME: Will Rock (Willford Rockwell)
- Age: 22
- Height: 6’ 3”
- Weight: 210 lbs.
- Hair: Dark chestnut, collar-length mane; disheveled.
- Eyes: Feral yellow, glowing with the power of Prometheus.
- Ethnicity: White
- Facial Hair: None intentional, but always looks like he could use a shave.
- Distinguishing marks: The Prometheus Sigil on the back of his left hand. The Sigil, a mark of power, radiates the same glow as his eyes.
OCCUPATION: Freelance Archaeologist.
Freelance archaeology is not a field for the faint of heart. It’s tough work, demanding rock-steady nerves, unwavering focus, and a keen mind capable of plotting twenty escape routes per second. There’s a component of pure science that’s equally important. No self-respecting freelance archaeologist would ever allow himself be called a “treasure hunter,” “scavenger,” or “mercenary.”
Will Rock will go anywhere anytime in the furious pursuit of discovery—as long as the job promises time with his beloved Emma Headstrong. Will sells his services to foundations, individuals, universities, corporations, and, occasionally, governments. His two-fisted approach to the scientific method is widely spurned in academic circles, and conventional scholars openly revile his methods. That’s the way he likes it.
Will lives his life like all freelance archaeologists: one dig at a time.
ARCHAEOLOGIST RICHARD HEADSTRONG: Will’s mentor. Dr. Headstrong is accredited with inspiring Will’s love of history and his present way of life. Will mourns Headstrong’s violent murder at the hands of Greek political fanatics.
EMMA HEADSTRONG: The daughter of Dr. Richard Headstrong, and the true love of Will’s life.
PROMETHEUS: The spirit of the Titan Prometheus that Will is infused with since the dig in Greece. Though the spirit of the Titan has long since fled Will’s body, the memory of that strength and courage lives on in Will today.
Will Rock may have saved the world from ancient evil a few times, but that’s not his problem. When ancient evil stands between Will and his woman, something’s got to give.
Will Rock is a hero. By default.
Will underplays extreme danger, even when he’s irresistibly drawn toward it. He maintains a veneer of healthy skepticism. If it’s hard to impress Will Rock, it’s even harder to scare him. This is mostly due to the ancient power of a long dead Titan trapped in his body that lends him supernatural resolve and strength. Before, Will was just a lovesick student interested in only one thing…impressing Emma. However, he gets into his work now and has the help of a little supernatural encouragement to push him to the limits when necessary;
When fantastical creatures get in the way, they can be put down just like anybody else. …it just takes bigger bullets.
In the modern age, the archeological profession has its downside. The world is crowded. Field science has gone high-tech, long-range and squeaky-clean. Will missed the golden era of down-and-dirty, seat-of-the pants archaeology--the “glory days” that the old diggers gloat about. He suspects that most of the good stones have been turned or dug up. It’s getting harder and harder to believe that true marvels still lie undisturbed.
Will doesn’t dwell on it. He doesn’t like the idea of becoming an anachronism.
Will Rock will stop at nothing to finish a job—of course there’s always the payoff and his sweetie Emma as rewards, so why wouldn’t he? He’s driven by a blossoming interest in the field of archeology that he discovered following Emma and her father on a few digs. Sure he’s in it for the girl, but he’s actually starting to like the work as well. It helps that he’s got a Titan spirit inhabiting his body, allowing him to do things other people could only dream about.
Will believes strongly in applied science, when it’s extremely applied. No method of destruction is beneath him if it gets him closer to the goal.
Bottom line…he’s in it for the kicks and the status with Emma.
Will Rock was not always the reckless, fearless man of action he is today. In his early twenties, Willford Rockwell was a shy, marginal, uninterested student at a state university. He didn’t talk unless he absolutely had to, and kept to himself as much as possible. He put very little effort into his classes, and had no close friends. He maintained a bare minimum GPA only because he was good at taking tests. While he had displayed glimmers of natural athletic ability through high school, he was not assertive or confident enough to excel in any sport. He was content to drift through his educational career at an acceptable minimum level--until the day he saw the stunning Emma Headstrong walking into the Science building. He followed her, and watched as she ate lunch with her father, preeminent archaeologist, Dr. Richard Headstrong. Dr. Headstrong was sort of a celebrity at the University, having made some incredible discoveries in Tunisia and the Antarctic. Will didn’t know or care about that: he only had eyes for Emma.
For the first time in his life, Will felt motivated. He was completely smitten with Emma. He tried to speak to her a few times, but always lost his nerve. Desperate for some legitimate reason to approach her, Will answered a job board notice posted by Dr. Headstrong. Dr. Headstrong needed an assistant, a glorified litter bearer, really and the only skill Dr. Headstrong required was sufficient strength to lug his gear around excavation sites. Will fit the bill, and was quiet to boot. To Dr. Headstrong, this was a definite bonus. He had enough anemic, yammering grad student assistants already. Headstrong liked Will from the start, and Will knew that Emma accompanied Dr. Headstrong on his digs. Even if he never got up the courage to talk to her, she’d at least be nearby.
On their first expedition, something unexpected occurred: Will found himself extremely interested in the work. Dr. Headstrong was startled to discover flashes of genius arcing from his quiet stooge. Dr. Headstrong nurtured Will’s blossoming skills and his insatiable curiosity. Will learned eagerly. He changed his major to archaeology, became Headstrong’s star pupil. He struck up an at least nominal friendship with Emma. It wasn’t a romance, but Will figured it was a decent start.
On a mystery-shrouded dig in Greece two years later, zealots murdered Dr. Headstrong and Emma was abducted. For Will, there was no decision to make: if Emma Headstrong were to be rescued alive, he’d go to the ends of the earth to do so. And he’d decimate any man, god, or beast, that tried to stop him from bringing her back.
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