The three Tantalus titles to hit the shelves this holidays are Unreal 2on X-Box, Top Gear Rally on Game Boy Advance, and Monster TruckMadness, also on Game Boy Advance.
Unreal 2, set for release late in 2003, will become the first ever online console game to be released by an Australian developer. The game is based upon Legend Entertainment’s highly lauded PC title, and has been developed by Tantalus in collaboration with Legend, Epic Games, and publisher Atari. The game is one of the most highly anticipated console shooters of the year, and comes loaded with an all new teamoriented multiplayer mode, supported through X-Box Live.
Monster Truck Madness on Game Boy Advance enjoyed a recent high profile release courtesy of publisher THQ. Described by Game Spot as “an arcade racing fan’s dream,” the game set a new graphical benchmark on the GBA.
That mark was promptly blown away by the release of the latest Tantalus GBA title, Top Gear Rally. In a first for an Australian developer, Top Gear Rally has been published worldwide by Nintendo. The game has been praised as the greatest ever handheld racer. GamePro called it “the perfect racing game for the GBA.”
The release of these three titles sees Tantalus firmly ensconced at the forefront of game development in Australia, and as possibly the world’s leading developer for Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance. The recent announcement of a new multi-title development deal with THQ sees the company well placed to deliver more hit titles in 2004.
Note: ‘Top Gear Rally’ is known as ‘TG Rally’ in Australia and Europe.