Features including super-slick gameplay and even slicker blood-splatteringly gory graphics ensure that 'POSTAL 2: Share The Pain' gives an even more bone crunchingly realistic feel than that experienced in any previous version of the game. Uprated weaponry is balanced so that each weapon offers players a different trade-off between accuracy and ease of use. 'POSTAL 2: Share The Pain' players also get a morbid warning when they are in someone else's gun sights and milliseconds away from death.
Multiplayer games offered include both standard DeathMatch and team DeathMatch tournaments as well as POSTAL 2's own version of Capture the Flag, called SNATCH, in which you fight to capture a POSTAL BABE.
'POSTAL 2: Share The Pain' includes the upgraded POSTAL 2 PC game with shorter transition times between levels and smoother, slicker gameplay in addition to the multiplayer option which can be played against friends and strangers online or over a LAN (local area network).