Get the ToEE demo Off Worthplaying (230mb)
Patch Fixes:
- Mona orb quest fixed so that she will always recognize and accept the orb's return to complete her quest.
- Romag now recognizes when you return to him if while doing his quest Rentsch is killed.
- Pishella's dialog updated so that she consistently says the PC's have four days to destroy Zuggtmoy after the skull is destroyed.
- Can no longer tell Hedrack that Scorpp has been killed to get to the end game if Scorpp is NOT dead.
- Can no longer offer Skole's violet garnet to Lodriss if Skole's quest is just mentioned and you do not have the garnet.
- Antonio will allow you to place dice with him again if you are doing quests for Alrrem and exit the dialog the first time you play without winning.
- Belsornig now marks the Oohlgrist quest as botched if you kill the troll or have already convinced him to join Alrrem
- Poison vial from Belsornig must be left in Alrrem to complete the quest (you can no longer just insert it and then remove it)
- Rannos Davl will now continue the Chaotic Evil vignette conversation with the player after the moathouse has been cleared.
- produce flame can no longer be cast multiple times in the first round it is cast.
- touch attack spells no longer allow infinite actions in the first round they are cast.
- magic weapon, greater magic weapon, magic vestment, and keen edge are no longer permanent.
- animate dead now makes the target corpse drop all of its inventory before creating the specified undead creature.
- protection from evil/etc now correctly only applies invulnerability against summoned/conjured creatures of the appropriate alignment (note: elementals are not subject to this effect unless they are themselves summoned/conjured).
- magic circle against evil/etc now correctly only applies invulnerability against summoned/conjured creatures of the appropriate alignment (note: elementals are not subject to this effect unless they are themselves summoned/conjured).
- Haste now correctly gives a bonus attack with the primary weapon at the highest base attack bonus for a full attack.
- the same character can no longer be targeted more than once for Haste (which originally allowed the Haste bonuses to stack multiple times).
- the same character can no longer be targeted more than once for Slow (which originally allowed the Slow penalties to stack multiple times).
- break free is now possible with the entangle spell.
- dismiss spell now works properly with the entangle spell.
- spike stones (damaged state) now correctly responds to the Heal skill or a cure spell.
- spike stones/spike growth now damage a character after movement, rather than before (which would keep a character from moving at all in the spell's radius).
- "spell cast" signal is now properly relayed to all spell targets.
- "break free" now properly relays the correct spell ID.
- "dismiss spells" now properly relays signal to all spell targets.
- touch spells that are held as charges now properly remove themselves when the character casts another spell.
- entangle no longer spawns multiple area effect particle systems.
- softer earth and stone is no longer permanent.
- spike stones/spike growth play sound f/x correctly.
- burning hands is now correctly listed as an Evocation spell.
- see invisibile is now correctly listed as a Domain Knowledge Level 2 spell.
- discern lies is now correctly listed as a Domain Knowledge Level 4 spell.
- spike growth is now correctly listed as a Domain Plant Level 3 spell.
- spike stones has been moved to a Domain Plant Level 4 spell.
- blur is now correctly listed as a Domain Protection Level 2 spell.
- enlarge is now correctly listed as a Domain Strength Level 1 spell.
- endure elements was incorrectly listed as a Domain Strength Level 1 spell.
- endurance is now correctly listed as a Domain Travel Level 2 spell.
- haste is now correctly listed as a Domain Travel Level 3 spell.
- hide from undead is now correctly listed as a Domain Trickery Level 1 spell.
- suggestion is now correctly listed as a Domain Trickery Level 3 spell.
- mind fog is now correctly listed as a Domain Trickery Level 5 spell.
- sleet storm is now correctly listed as a Domain Water Level 3 spell.
- death ward now properly protects against Death spells (e.g. Slay Living) * darkvision has been removed as a learnable spell.
- fixed, spell 522 (Wall of Fire) was incorrectly mapped to Glibness.
- spiritual weapon is no longer affected by adverse spell effects, such as Web.
- spiritual weapon no longer deals holy/unholy damage.
- fixed circle of doom, cure critical wounds, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, and cure light wounds, mass to use correct caster level check.
- fixed inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, inflict moderate wounds, inflict serious wounds, and inflict light wounds, mass to use correct caster level check.
- fixed slay living to use correct caster level check.
- divine favor now properly applies its bonus to damage rolls.
- true strike now properly set as a Verbal spell only.
- dismissal DC check now correct. typo in 3.5 manual-in-progress.
- cloudkill now correctly checks spell resistance before applying it's effects.
- fixed several issues of Poison damage/effects from spells versus immunities to poison.
- fixed a spell resistance check in the spell module.
- vrock spore attack now properly checks against Poison immunity.
- goodberry now heals 1 point of non-lethal damage also.
- call lightning now correctly reduces duration by 10 rounds per use.
- flame strike now correctly observes evasion/improved evasion when dealing the secondary DIVINE damage.
- spells that were previously being incorrectly reduced by Damage Reduction now deal "MAGIC" type damage, which will not be reduced by DR.
- Conjuration spells that previously were subject to Spell Resistance in 3.0 are now NOT subject to SR as in 3.5.
- Resist Energy no longer removes itself after absorbing damage, and should now absorb the correct amount of damage based on caster level.
- Protection From (Alignment) and Magic Circle against (Alignment) now properly give immunity to mind-affecting/charm spells.
- MANY scrolls were casting aid (mostly 3.5 spells), they should now cast their correct spell
- added a catch-all to remove lingering spell effects that persist after duration expires.
- Targets of command:fall now stay on the ground for 1 round as per PHB.
- Detect Undead should play a sparkle on undead now, before they just happily sat there detected but quiet.
- Lareth's ring of freedom of movement should work more like the spell now.
- tumble now properly works for characters not in medium or heavy armor.
- evasion/improved evasion now properly works for characters not in medium or heavy armor.
- fixed bard spell failure check when not in medium or heavy armor.
- monk and barbarian fast movement fixed in regards to armor (none, light, medium, heavy).
- ranger feats related to medium and heavy armor are now correct, including two-weapon fighting.
- fast movement for barbarians and monks is now correct in regards to medium or heavy armor.
- paladin divine grace saving throw bonus is now properly adding a bonus from CHA (was CON).
- healing domain power (add +1 to caster level checks for Healing spells) should now work properly.
- fixed 1-handed/2-handed issues with dwarven waraxe.
- fixed 1-handed/2-handed issues with bastard sword.
- fixed weapon proficiency issue with bastard sword.
- fixed certain cases in which a creature was "helpless" but not eligible to be subject to a sneak attack.
- equipped shields now properly count against 2-handed (x1.5) damage with melee weapons.
- monks can now use Power Attack with unarmed strike.
- metamagic feats no longer actually increase DC checks for spells.
- using/drinking potions now correctly incurs AOO's.
- evasion/improved evasion now correctly reduce damage appropriately against an empowered damage spell
- weapon finesse updated to 3.5
- added greater weapon focus to levelup screen
- whirlwind attack no longer free after being used multiple times
- Full attacking with dual weapons now uses the correct weapon.
- cleave no longer works with whirlwind attack
- Corrected bonuses for improved two weapon fighting
- changed short swords to use proper type
- Corrected armor check penalties for masterwork armor
- corrected armor check penalties for crafted magic armor
- corrected critical hit ranges
- greater spell penetration added
- Run actions (and all such derivative actions like Charge) now correctly invalidate a 5' step after performing the action.