The timely launch of Savage Eden is largely contributed to strong community involvement from beta testers and reviewers who provided substantial feedback to help expedite the process of troubleshooting for the game developers and IENT team.
Enhanced game features in Savage Eden include multi weapon systems that range from guns to magic staffs, a unique feudal system that allows taxing and collecting from other players, and the ability for players to grow and nurture creature pets to aid in player quests.
To enable the Creation of pets, the player must enable conception of an egg, which eventually hatches and transforms into a miniature creature that flies at your side! The player Pet has many functions including attacking, retrieving items, and serving as a player companion guide through the treacherous terrains of Savage Eden. The Pet can even grow its own attributes and get stronger and stronger. Register now to try these great features out!
To learn more about Savage Eden, visit the official site or contact Sandy Said at for further questions.