Planet ThinkTanks (PTT) is a community member site that provides fans a one stop destination for everything related to the game. From standard issue forums and custom skin downloads to tactical guides and a ranking system with real-time stats – the site will support established armies as well as player groups. Plans are being implemented to feature automatic matchmaking, scoring and fully managed ladder competitions where the outcome will be updated immediately after each game. Leagues will have their own exclusive forum areas on the site with the ability to launch private, customized game servers. In addition, there will be messenger tools made available so players can find buddies playing online and be able to post messages from the site to the game and vice versa.
“We are really excited about how PlanetThinkTanks is fast becoming more than just a community site,” says Joe Maruschak, Creative Director of BraveTree Productions, “it’s becoming an extension of the game that has been created by the amazing community of players that have supported it from the start. Being outside the game interface and created by the community, it can change and evolve as the community evolves – this is much faster than deploying new builds and then going through testing. And since it’s being kept in the community, it will evolve to serve their needs instead of what we (the developers) think they need.”
“Planet ThinkTanks is a real milestone for the ThinkTanks's community,” said Dan MacDonald, community member and co-founder of Rainfall Studios. “It acknowledges the dedication and commitment of the grass-roots player community that started with a few dedicated players. Now it’s grown to be one of the largest and fastest growing forums in the entire GarageGames community. PTT plans to equip ThinkTanks' players with the tools to organize and manage themselves in a way that will help grow and formalize the community in the years to come.”
“Why am I doing it? It's a great game with a fun community and I enjoy the challenge of always trying to go at least one step further than most,” comments -Z-, also known as ZoGGles, from Buckinghamshire UK the author and co-designer of PTT, “my aim for PTT was to try and create an online gaming community that goes beyond the typical “forum” and “downloadable skins” type of site. I wanted to create a strong bond between the game, the servers and the community.”
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