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PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'C&C Generals' - Update Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Feb. 20, 2003 @ 7:34 p.m. PST

EA and Westwood Studios have released another patch for Command & Conquer Generals, bringing their brand-new 3D real-time strategy game first to v1.03. This upgrade brings more fixes and improvements related to multiplayer. Read more for detailed fix list and download links ...

Get the C&C Generals v1.3 patch off Worthplaying (5mb)

USA Link <--> European Link

Other Mirrors

Get the C&C Generals v1.3 patch off FileShack (5mb)

Get the C&C Generals v1.3 patch off EA's FTP (5mb)

Fixes in v1.03:

  • QuickMatch stability and matching
  • General connection fixups behind routers (multiple players behind the same router, refreshing the player IP after a failed connection)
  • Refresh button added to Custom Lobby
  • Game List/Player List no longer pops to the top occasionally
  • Player List no longer jumps, etc. making it difficult to click on a name
  • Communicator requests addition of buddy to both players. Also, incoming messages get a sound effect
  • Spaces in front of games in Game List no longer allowed
  • Game Lists/Player Lists alphabetize in upper and lower case
  • Ping tolerance icon adjustment to make more useful
  • More accuracy in number of players per game in Game List

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