City Interactive is lead by Mark Tyminski, better known as the head of Polish publisher Lemon Interactive. It includes former members of the country's Tatanka and WOE development houses who have been responsible for such titles as Project Earth and Aces of World War 1.
The new outfit's first PC titles ready for March release are Smash Up Derby which updates the proven destruction derby genre with a bang and Nina: Agent Chronicles, an action adventure that follows the Lara Croft trend by featuring top Polish model Iza Czarnecka. They are backed by a comprehensive print and online PR campaign from industry specialist Foxbank PR.
Following the success of Project Earth, released in the UK last year by Mindscape, City Interactive is also heading for a Q4 release of Project Earth 2 and aims to have five titles out by the end of the year.
"City Interactive is starting with PC product at the mid-price range of £19.99 but we intend to move up to full price and to look at console products as well," said Tyminski. "We have already secured deals in many territories including North America and are now seeking distribution deals in the UK and Germany.