In development by critically acclaimed Monolith Productions, TRON 2.0 is an action-packed story-driven title inspired by TRON, the groundbreaking science-fiction motion picture. The game takes place in present day, approximately 20 years after the events of the film. Playing as Jet Bradley, son of ENCOM programmer Alan Bradley from the movie, gamers are digitized into cyberspace and will race on light cycles, battle corruption both inside and outside of the computer world, and explore locations including the Internet Hub, Firewall, Corrupted Server and Light Cycle Game Grid.
"Mercury plays a critical role in TRON 2.0 by helping the player, as Jet Bradley, discover his new powers as a 'User.' She also helps to reveal intriguing background that explains what has been happening in the digital world in the past 20 years, the last time a human was digitized in the TRON storyline," said Bob Picunko, director of marketing, Buena Vista Games. "Rebecca's voice adds a new dimension to the character and provides the depth that we're looking for in a powerful female lead."
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