Unwilling to take such supernatural threats lightly, the Japanese government enlists the talents of "Kunoichi," a skilled female ninja with a keen understanding of both martial and mystical arts. As Kunoichi, players will battle countless demonic foes within a wide assortment of unique urban environments spanning rooftops, construction sites, industrial factories, and more.
- Fly higher, move faster, and dole out even more damage as "Kunoichi"
- Enhanced combat system provides greater depth, all-new attacks, and intense aerial action
- Improved "Tate" system supports unlimited combos and a wider variety of attacks
- Unique scenarios allow you to fight atop fighter jets, moving trains, and industrial cranes
- Perform combos to fill the new "Chakra Gauge" in order to perform powerful ninja magic
- Use consecutive stealth dashes to surround your opponents and unleash the deadly "Shadow Dance"