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About Devil Whiskey:
The idea for creating this game started in October of 1999 when a group of talented individuals, all fans of old-style adventure games such as Dragon Wars and the Bard's Tale series, met on a discussion list. They banded together with the intention of creating a new game to carry on their favorite storylines, and a dream was born.
After tossing some ideas around in early 2000, it became evident that the group was divided in their approach to creating this as-yet undefined game. The group decided to break up, and the earliest core of what would become Shifting Suns Studios, LLC came together with the intention of creating a completely fresh title, based on the concepts of game play and storyline that made the old favorites such fun, but set in a completely original game universe.
By the middle of 2000, the core of the group was solid in their interactions with one another and their desire to tackle the production of an independent, commercial game. Realizing after some discussion that a full, 3D, real-time game was not the best first project, a smaller undertaking was attempted: a simple, turn-based, grid-mapped adventure title in the style of those old games that sparked the group in the first place. Thus was born The Bard's Legacy: Devil Whiskey (later renamed to Devil Whiskey, to avoid potential confusion between our completely original product and certain other products available in the computer entertainment industry).
Over the course of many months, Devil Whiskey has evolved into a much larger, more complex game than it was originally intended to be. There are many hours of game play, many pieces of original artwork, over 100 minutes of original musical compositions, a full game engine including 3D graphics produced using OpenGL, hundreds of items and monsters, and dozens of races and classes. While it started as an attempt to make an easy first pass at game production, Devil Whiskey has grown, through the enthusiasm of our fans and through our own better understanding of the process of game design and development, into a complete game that has already brought many hours of enjoyment to the testers and developers, even though it is not yet even finished!
As we rapidly approach release, we would like to thank our fans, who have kept us going all this time. The development has been done entirely in the spare time of those who made the effort a labor of love. While we will be selling the final title, we won't be asking more than is fair, and it's only to compensate the many who have worked on the game for as much as three years for their blood, sweat, tears, and continued faith in our ability to put a quality game out there for the fans of adventure and turn-based role-playing.
One final comment: there are those who still confuse our product with a non-existent sequel to the popular Bard's Tale series from Electronic Arts. While it is true that the Bard's Tale series is one of many games of the style and age that we draw inspiration, our game is entirely original, and in no way related to the Bard's Tale series.
Hopefully our game will be recognized as an original game. Once you play it you will realize that not only is it original but there isn't any other game like it. It's a classic style game where old game play meets the latest in graphics and sound capability.
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