Enigmacon will focus on the company’s flagship title Enigma: Rising Tide. Featured at the event will be a special preview of Enigma’s long anticipated Massively Multi player version. Massively-multi-player Online Games are the fastest growing segment of the burgeoning computer game market. Enigma’s MM version, which allows for large scale naval conflicts, promises to create a new virtual community as would-be admirals test their skills on the digital high seas. EnigmaCon will also give the public a unique glimpse into the Enigma universe, giving attendees the opportunity to meet and interact directly with the games creators, writers and producers. The barriers between game developers and their players is usually vast and impenetrable, with most developers attending trade shows that are not open to the public. Tesseraction Games is reversing this trend by bringing game creators and end users together to discuss strategies, tips as well as plot the very future of the Enigma franchise.
EnigmaCon will end with a multi-player tournament, featuring prizes for the best team and a high-end gaming computer system awarded to the best individual player.
For additional information on Enigmacon please go to the official EnigmaCon website.