The story begins when a monk-pilgrim, brother Batist, discovers an ancient mystery of incredible power...the ability to create one's own Universe. The newly created universe absorbed him and a few thousand people from all over the Earth, then the magic passage was sealed, cutting off its inhabitants from their home world.
Sphere's five huge continents are crammed with NPCs, monsters and other players inhabiting every square meter of the world. Cities protect players and are used as main trade and political centers. Sphere markets offer fantasy goods, including weapons, potions, miscellaneous items and alchemy components. There are a plethora of deadly monsters in the game, including dog-headed orcs, dangerous unicorns, harpies, zombies, and many more hideous creatures.
Player avatars in Sphere are characterized by different parameters, attributes and skills as well as social status. A player's social status depends on the number of successfully completed quests. Alternatively, players can have a status in the magic hierarchy. There are two schools of magic in Sphere: alchemy and mantra. The first is based on an ingredient-bound style of magic. The second school is centered on the use of mantras resembling "traditional" wizard spells.
- Huge game world with hundreds of locations.
- Customizable avatars.
- Unique fantasy world.
- Branched hierarchic structure.
- Original alchemic and spell-casting system.
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