Set in feudal Japan, Samurai Warriors takes you back to the 16th century where political turmoil caused a series of major wars between individual warlords fighting for power. Players control Yukimura Sanada, who leads an elite band of samurai and ninja through the hallowed Japanese battlefields of Okehazama, Kawanakajima, and inside the embattled walls of Osaka Castle.
The epic tale unfolds as players come face to face with gun-toting troops, echelons of ninja, and deadly kunoichi (female ninja) in both historic and fictional battles. With an Active Mission System that triggers distinct missions during every battle, hundreds of different mini-missions within the larger epic battles, randomly changing castle layouts as well as multiplayer support, Samurai Warriors promises to be an unforgettable action adventure.
Samurai Warriors is rated "T" (Teen) by the ESRB and carries an MSRP of $49.95 for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system.