"Our worldwide shipment is right in line with our plan for DRIV3R," said Bruno Bonnell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Atari. "The global Driver fan base is as robust and passionate as ever, as indicated by retail reaction in the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France, and other key territories," Mr. Bonnell stated.
At Electronics Boutique Holdings Corp. (Nasdaq:ELBO), one of the largest specialty retailers for video games in the U.S., Debbie Mola, Divisional Vice President of Merchandising, said, "With just three days of sales, DRIV3R is certain to be one of our top three sellers for the month of June. We had high expectations for the title and it is meeting them."
DRIV3R for the PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system and the Xbox(TM) video game system from Microsoft is currently available worldwide with an estimated retail price in North America of $49.95 and an ESRB rating of 'M' for Mature. For more information on DRIV3R, please visit the game's official Web site at www.DRIV3R.com.
In addition to DRIV3R, during the month of June, Atari also released Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors (GBA), Duel Masters: Sempai Legends (GBA), Shadow Ops: Red Mercury (Xbox Live); and Backyard Baseball 2005 (PC).