Get the Pax Romana v1.02 Update Patch Off Worthplaying (14mb)
Modifications Pax Romana v1.02
- Major update on Peace Proposition : it should be now much easier to conclude a winning war, with region cost values streamlined and military campaigns
bearing more impact on peace talks (67% instead of 50% before) - Also the stars acquired during the war will disappear much more slowly over time
- When peace is signed, the victorious units are moved automatically into next closest friendly provincial or national capital
- AI Senators should be less reluctant to vote a victorious peace treaty
- Removed several CTD when a stratagem was played too earlier in a battle
- Removed a rare CTD occuring at the end of a build units order
- During a sea battle, armies loaded on fleets no longer take sides with the ennemy fleets
- Roman laws now appear as historical events.
- The cost of threaten candidates or any other action during the election campaign should no longer be 0
- Low and high plebis value have no longer a drastic financial effect on the factions and nations treasuries
- Nations should no longer receive income from regions controlled by ennemy nations
- Removed a bug where a siege would not end when a rescue army succeeds in defeating the besieging army
- There should much be less pirates (frequency divided by 2), and info will be message only (no more pop-ups)
- Remove CTD on some diplomatic events
- The game is automatically paused at the beginning of a scenario
- Resolve some issues on leadership of AI armies
- Remove a CTD on the stratagem Influence Peddling
- Resolve a issue where the urban praetor was governor of Italia for only 1 week
Modifications Pax Romana v1.01
- The timer should no longer freeze before a battle starts.
- The progress of a siege is now correctly displayed on the map information window
- The military AI (especially the naval one) have been improved
- The roman legions controlled by the AI should no longer always tries to crush revolt on foreign lands.
- In multiplayer mode, when a player abort a movement by clicking in the army/fleet region, the movement will correctly be aborted for all players and not only for the players aborting the move.
- When a blockaded town falls to its besieger, the blockade is removed
- Remove a crash to desktop when an army was destroyed after having captured an ennemy leader which died later on.
- Update of forum tutorial and Punic Wars Strategy Scenario
- Backup of autosave and lastsave is made before each new save. The date of autosave has been changed to july the first.
- Corrected some spelling and display error in various messages.
- Remove a crash to desktop at the end of naval battle where some fleets were transporting armies
- The Trade roads should now correctly last several years instead of several months
- Historical events have been updated
- All scenario have been rewriten to be more historically accurate
- The name of the senator to which an honor will be granted is correctly display in the consul office.
- Solve a load problem where the faction would be with no faction leader after the load which results obviously in a CTD after a few days.
- The maximum number of nations in a scenario is now 256 instead of 128
- Solve a case where the Ai declare several times a war to the same nation.
- The game should no longer freeze at the senate when a dictator is being voted and the proposing faction is not a the faction of one of the two consuls
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