"The complex world of the 'Ghost in the Shell' anime and manga series presented a wealth of source material for the game," said Rika Maruya, Co-Producer of Bandai Games Inc. "With the PSP title, we took care to incorporate Masamune Shirow's multifaceted characters, as well as the tense drama and edge-of-your-seat action that are trademarks of the series."
In the futuristic world of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, crime knows no limits. Gamers can face off against cyber-criminals as members of Section 9, an elite group of secret intelligence operatives tasked to keep technological terrorists at bay. Players must use "Major" Motoko Kusanagi's agility, her partner Batou's strength, rookie Togusa's stealth, or Saito's sniper skills to unravel the mysteries of Berutarube.
Features :
- Issue precise commands and orders to the independent mini-tank, Tachikoma, to gain an advantage during heated battles
- Customize Tachikoma with unique accessories
- Choose from 51 different weapons; from hand guns to rocket launchers and sub-machine guns
- Play wirelessly in head-to-head battles for up to six players . Hack into enemies to break down the terrorist cells
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex will be in stores October 25th.
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