"And Then There Were None," the renowned #1 Best-Selling Mystery of all-time, is brought to life in a new format. Audiences will be captivated by Agatha Christie's thrilling storytelling and discover fascinating plot twists. The storyline follows 10 strangers who are invited to Shipwreck Island only to be accused of murder by a recording from their absent host. Players take on the role of a new 11th character, Patrick Narracott, the boatman who takes guests to the island, and ends up trapped with the others. Delve into Agatha Christie's renowned classic and solve the mystery before you become the next victim.
With game design by Lee Sheldon, the game will ship globally in Fall of 2005 and has an anticipated ESRB rating of “T” for Teen in North America and “12+ PEGI” in Europe.More articles about Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None