Based on the critically-acclaimed anime series by renowned manga artist and writer Masamune Shirow, the sci-fi first-person shooter offers wireless multiplayer action for up to six players in cooperative and competitive modes. Untangle the mystery of the Berutarbe using Motoko's agility, Batou's strength, Saito's sniper skills, and Togusa's stealth with 51 different playable weapons. Gamers can customize your independent mini-tank Tachikoma with unique accessories.
"In adhering to the central technological theme in 'Ghost in the Shell(R):Stand Alone Complex(TM),' we have maximized the wireless capabilities available on the PSP," said Rika Maruya, Co-Producer of Bandai Games. "Gamers now have the opportunity to experience an ultramodern world of hackers and cyber-terrorism on a cutting edge platform."
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