Kameo: Elements of Power is a larger-than life journey full of intense combat, magnificent exploration, and innovative morph-into-monster action that allows Kameo to transform into incredible monsters to search out and battle ever-present evil. The future of the world depends on Kameo, who must capture, harness, and unleash a wide assortment of monsters to rescue three of her Elemental Ancestors and destroy the Dark Troll King who threatens the planet and its wildlife. In true Rare fashion, the world is wondrous and immense, the puzzles and challenges are brilliant, and the monster-oriented combat and exploration is innovative and unique.
Microsoft launched the official Kameo: Elements of Power website where you can get all the latest info, screens, movies, downloadable content, wallpapers, character bios, story elements. Check the "Anger Management" section to find out about the "other sides" of Kameo, and soon you will be able to subscribe and listen to weekly episodic podcasts.
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