Developed by Reality Pump Studios, EARTH 2160 is a rich, story-driven RTS that sees conflict arise as the remnants of the Eurasian Dynasty, Lunar Corporation and United Civilized States terraform Mars following Earth's destruction. As the civilizations independently rebuild, a group of imprisoned alien renegades is awakened from suspended animation. The groups must either battle it out or band together as they try to survive the new alien threat.
"Each faction in EARTH 2160 uses a unique style of modular construction and vehicle customization, leading to a high number of strategies and counter-strategies for the seasoned RTS player," said Steve Allison, chief marketing officer, Midway. "The engaging single-player campaign and the polished multiplayer modes combine to make EARTH 2160 a deep, innovative, story-driven RTS with hundreds of hours of gameplay."
In addition to standard RTS features such as resource acquisition, base building and destruction of enemy bases, EARTH 2160 also allows gamers to play adventure-style missions. Modular construction allows players to customize buildings, stacking or linking together specialized modules such as Power Plants, Barracks, Airfields or Production Facilities, creating virtually limitless ways for players to prepare for battle.
EARTH 2160 uses a unique system of Virtual Agents: advisers for hire who are available to assist the player in specific tasks on the battlefield or to act as managers dealing with construction, resources or research. Virtual Agents are available to help the highest bidder, so players will need to determine how much their services are worth - or drive up the price for their opponent.
By utilizing the latest cutting-edge pixel and vertex shaders, EARTH 2160 has a look and feel that sets it apart from other RTS titles running on more traditional graphics engines.
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