“’The Legend of Heroes’ truly delivers the classic elements of a traditional role-playing game: a fully-fleshed out fantasy universe, an incredible storyline, and a large cast of characters,” said Brian Glazebrook, Production Manager at Bandai Games. “With Minako Iwasaki’s outstanding character designs and meticulously detailed world, this game is the best looking role-playing title on the PSP this holiday season.”
Developed by legendary Nihon Falcom in Tokyo, “The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion” is the second installment in a remarkable Japanese series known as “Gagharv Trilogy.” Featuring more than 100 distinctive characters, over 50 hours of gameplay, and an extensive storyline, “The Legends of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion” will bewitch both casual gamers and role-playing enthusiasts alike.
“The Legends of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion” is rated “T” for Teen and retails at $39.99.
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