Get the BoB 2: Wings of Victory v2.03 patch off WP (9mb)
Changes from v2.02 to 2.03
Bug Fixes
- - The Win98 Alt-x error fixed (DDRAW error).
- - Ju 52 error completely fixed.
- - Memory leak fixed. This is at least one if not the major cause for people running out of main memory (error message ~ "Can not alloc 16MB")
- - "Next waypoint" crash workaround again :-/
- - Bug in runtime optimizers fixed that might have lead to crashes.
- - Udet Buoy mission fixed.
- - Reduced VRAM usage a bit, this should help 64MB card owners.
- - Robustness (technical: Init imagemapfile, delete [] instead of delete, MSVC 8 warnings, Wrong index range fixed)
- - Improved debug code (technical: for example Texture fn versus generic fn, Fix to a broken assert, Added assert, added version + build date to crashlog output to be able to differentiate "new" from "old" bugs)
Other Improvements for users:
- - Reactivated Rain. You need to have the worst weather setting to see it. (technical: In the bdg.txt, with RAIN_FACTOR you can in- or decrease the number of "rain threads". 32 is default, 0 is no rain.)
- - Minor performance optimizations.
- - Separate quality setting for WATER in OPTIONS (mostly for GeForce 4200-4800 users)
- - Contrails (Should appear at 16,500 ft and above).
- - Player aircraft bullet hit sounds improved.
- - "No Spinning Death" - not completely polished yet, but instead of the spinning death camera you get a red screen. You need to activate it via the bdg.txt variable "No_Spinning_Death" to ON. This new effect comes thanks to Buddye
- - Improved prop looks at low rpm.
- - Use the bdg.txt variable DRAW_MENU_ON_3D_SCREEN to disable the "radio menu". Nice for users using voice input.
- - FPS readout colour now same as infoline colour.
- - PERFORMANCE_TEST_MODE implemented.
- - Coords.txt now also contains pitch info.
- - Water shimmer reduced, thanks to Mauser at SimHQ
Modder Features:
- - You can now have 16 fresnel files depending on time of day and weather.
- - First version of Multiskin means Skinners can get acquainted and already create some of the data.
- - Shaders (one can use Shaders instead of textures). This is an extremely powerful technology, for example the Farcry people boast every pixel goes through a shader. However, it is the absolute, bleeding edge of technology for modders ;). Read technique from file. Use one the hardware supports.
- - When BoB is minimized, it now uses almost no (CPU etc) resources. Ignores keystrokes.
- - AutoTextureChange partly fixed. Works sometimes now :-/. Supports DDS. Looks for new textures when un-minimizing now.
- - DISABLE_ALL_2D_ELEMENTS in the bdg.txt is a nice feature for video makers / screenshot makers. Might also be of interest to pure users.
Changes from v2.01 to 2.02
- Improved framerate (fps). The effect is most marked with weather low and on computers that suffer from low fps.
- New bdg.txt variable INVERT_EXTERNAL_PAN - inverts pan direction in external view
- New bdg.txt variable NO_FOV_RESET - disables resetting of FOV in when resetting the view (via ROTRESET/ROTRESET2/AROTRESET)
- TrackIR 6dof z-axis overrides any analog axis setting.
- Made stick POV hat user mappable
- Ju88 engine texture fix.
- In the OPTIONS screen, changed the name REFLECTIONS to MIRROR
- Enhanced explosion and flak sounds.
- More realistic Browning .303 sounds (increased rate of fire).
Changes from boxed version v2.00 to v2.01
* Bug fixes:
- Several bugs have been fixed that can lead to CTDs (Crashes To Desktop).
- In-game / Windows resolution is automatically synchronized for increased stability with background applications running.
- If TrackIR or Newview (et al) are detected but not enabled, the program will revert back to mouse/keyboard/POV view control.
- Fix for vanishing replay-buttons.
- Some lines, for example those of the Enemy Position Indicator, used wrong colour(s).
- Correct handling of dummy anims (possibly caused a crash).
- Do17 skin adjusted (main wing bottom).
* Other Improvements:
- SmoothenFrameRate changed to SmoothenFramerateMode and reworked. The default smoothens but does not limit fps.
- New bdg.txt variable "NO_OUTSIDE_TRACKIR"
- The bdg.txt variable OPTIMISE_OBJECTS_AT_RUNTIME changed to DISABLE_OPTIMISE_OBJECTS_AT_RUNTIME so that the old setting is ignored. The new default is to optimise.
- In OPTIONS, "reflections" has been renamed to "mirror."
- Optimised for framerate (mainly by going to a 32 bit FVF). Unfortunately the effect seems to be very small.
- Reduced usage of video memory on 64 MB cards a bit.
- Improved debug code/warnings in a lot of places.
- Better lighting on individual trees.
- Smoke trails further tuned.
- Cannon smoke more subtle.
- Engine sputter sound re-worked.
- Throttle off warning sound reduced.
- Brighton and Cathedral texture reduced in size.
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