In the strange and distant future, a beautiful agent named “Aeon Flux” employs all the lethal abilities at her disposal to disrupt the soul-crushing tyranny that pervades the walled, protected city-state, Bregna, ruled by a congress of scientists. Her nemesis is Trevor Goodchild – a sometimes-lover, yet fulltime Chairman of the Breen Council. Aeon faithfully serves the underground ‘Monican’ rebellion in their efforts to overthrow the Breen, however deadly rivals oppose her at every turn, and powerful temptations test her loyalties.
Game Play Features:
- The first ever interactive journey into the world of Aeon Flux.
- Unique ‘Speed Stealth’ action - move like a shifting wind to confuse and bewilder the enemy.
- Destructive futuristic weapons and bone-crunching grappling fatalities help defeat opponents.
- Sci-fi based gadgets aid in solving puzzle elements throughout the game.
- Independent episodes share evolving environments and take place throughout 4 distinct eras.
- Objectives change as allegiances shift between different eras and generations of Bregnans.
- Style Meter rewards sensational accomplishments by the player.
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