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Europa Universalis II

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Strategy
Publisher: Paradox
Developer: Paradox Interactive
Release Date: Dec. 11, 2001

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Europa Universalis II' - v1.09 Update Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Dec. 1, 2005 @ 2:45 a.m. PST

Europa Universalis II is a grand strategy games that invites you to a global struggle for supremacy from the dark times of Jeanne D'Arc to the flaming wars of Napoleon.

Get the Europa Universalis II v1.09 Patch off Worthplaying (12mb)


- Reduced the Habsburg/Spain bonuses for becoming Emperor significantly.
- Each elector in the Holy Roman Empire, and is considered supportive, reduces techcosts and stability costs of the emperor of 1%.
- A supportive elector (used for manpower, techcost and income bonuses) is now when they have relation >=100 instead of >125.
- All new German potential states are now marked as electors.
- Doubled the impact of grain producing provinces on the supportable amounts.
- The building costs of shipyards now increase with 100 for each.
- The building costs for conscript centers now increase with 250 for each.
- Recoded how merchants get checked in multiplayer.
- Refusing trade no longer gives a stability hit.
- Each Trade Embargo you have now reduces your TE by 3%.
- Monopolist in a CoT will not be automatically targeted first anymore.
- Each monopoly now gives 2% in TE bonus.
- Doubled the effect from serfdom on stability slider.
- Increased technology cost by 10%.
- Each vassal a nation has now has reduces the stability and technology costs by 2%. This effect is capped at 20%.
- Guarantees and Warnings now last 20 years instead of 5 years.
- Warnings now work for any country the warned nation declares war upon.
- Dropped the cost of insulting to 1/10th of before.
- Halved the monetary cost of Claim Throne.
- Claiming a Throne now only drops your stability by 1 instead of 3.
- Morale bonus from defender of faith is now +.5 instead of .15.
- Corrected Centralization change in "End of Hundred Years War" event from -1 to +1
- Corrected warship fire value for Nav tech 36 from 250 to 230.
- Only the controller and not the owner of a province is now checked for whether that province is embargoed for traders.
- An embargoed nation's trade income from a province is now multiplied by the controllers TE% and given to the controller.
- Benefits from vassals now are depending on centralization, where at maximum centralization you don't get any cost reductions.
- Being above the badboy limit now makes it more likely to get a civil war.
- Every nation in a multiplayer game now gets a casus belli on anyone above the badboylimit, like difficulty very-hard for single player.
- Increased badboy effect on stability costs.
- Only Catholics in Europe or current electors may become emperor now.
- All land adjacencies to Venice can now be blocked by a fleet in the sea next to it.
- Trading posts no longer increase badboy when you annex a country.
- Ahead of time penalty on technology costs are now quite a bit higher but kicks in slightly later.
- The richness of ports now matters for naval support limit instead of just the number of ports.
- Yearly Merchants affect naval support limit much more now.
- Fleets can no longer flee in a chosen direction unless they got a good maneuver rating and succeed on a dice roll. This makes it possible to block access with fleets.
- You now get manpower bonus from your vassals. Up to 50% of their manpower depending of how decentralized you are.
- There is no longer a -1 centralization hit after annexing a vassal.
- Added manpower and tax boosts to several Brandenburg and Prussian Events.
- Brandenburg now gets cores on almost entire northern Germany when proclaiming Kingdom of Prussia.
- Denmark now gets German culture if they choose Christian of Holstein, but for a heavy price.
- You will no longer lose your vassals when you change religion.
- You no longer get badboy for declaring war on human players if you have a cb, and only 1/3rd badboy of normal if you don't.
- You now only gain benefit from vassals with the capital on the same continent as yourself.
- You can no longer release vassals that only consist of trading posts.
- Support limit in vassals or where you have military access or is in a war together is now much higher as you gain the bonus from fortress/barracks.
- Sending missionaries to colonies & colonial cities on other continents is now significantly cheaper.
- Each trade agreement now reduces TE by 3%.
- Badboy from taking provinces off another player dropped to 1/3rd.
- Exceptional years now only reduce inflation by 2%.
- Tweaked historical years of economical techs 5 to 10 significantly.
- Doubled income from looting.
- Leaders of alliances are now leaders of alliances in wars as well.
- The effect off trade efficiency on merchant placement is now gradually applied instead of just a 50% bonus.
- Lowered base chance for merchant placement form 50% to 35%.


- Fixed a crash with tag-changing
- Fixed a crash with chatting after a nation has been eliminated in multiplayer.
- Cuman can no longer revolt.
- Fixed a problem with mod-dir in MP.
- Made a slight fix to MP logic to fix one reason for lag-loans.
- Corrected spelling of HOL and VEN colony names
- Corrected death date of ENG leader Clarence from 1431 to 1421
- Adjusted numerous provinces' icons to avoid obscuring the province name or to prevent overlap.
- Correct Fort icon placement in early Minor cities
- POR leader Diego de Senill renamed to Diogo de Silves
- Corrected spelling of BOS monarch Vladislav
- Corrected start and death dates for most KOR kings
- Corrected spelling of 3 POL kings
- Changed climate of three provinces in northern India from 8 (southern hemisphere) to 7
- Correct attrition tooltip to 8% for desert, plus several other minor corrections and updates to tooltips
- Fixed a problem with banning from alliance that may have caused a CTD.
- Fixed a thing which caused occasional crashes with MP.
- Fixed a crashbug with colonial revolters.
- Finally tracked down and fixed the reason for building manufactories not always finishing building.
- Fix duplicate ID in POL monarchs
- Fixed the crashbug when scrolling between channels in VNET.
- Fixed the Venice island adjacency.
- Corrected Ahwaz to Awhaz.


- AI is now smarter on trade agreements and trade refusals.
- Vassals to human players will no longer ever sign peace with anyone that is at war with their overlords.


- Added Austria as HRE to 1492, 1617, 1773 and 1795 scenarios.
- Changed the province-cap from 1615 to 2020 provinces for modders.
- Canary Islands is now part of Spanish Tordesillas, not the Portuguese.
- Recoded the revoltrisk to not stack to the maximum date, but keep each revoltrisk for the separate duration.
- Removed Lorraine and Franche-Comté from National Provinces of French minors in GC
- Corrected Known provinces for DAK, CHE, HUR, OHI and TIB in GC
- Removed colonization bonuses from SWE and KUR in AoM
- Fixed Capital for China in AoEn
- Corrected relationship tag DEN to DAN for PRU in AoEn
- Set Aristo = 9 in FRA in AoR to encourage the French Revolution to actually occur!
- Removed Archangelsk as National Province for SWE in AoR
- Set the Khanates (CHG, KZK, NOG, SIB, UZB) to Land 10
- Regraded new DAN leader Otto Krumpen to rank 2
- Added three new SAV leaders
- Changed Karl XI to be a SWE leader from the age of 16, not 4!
- Corrected TUR leader Kara Mustapha to live 1676-1683
- Added Mughal governors as BGL "monarchs" to cover historical Mughal period for benefit of Bengal players
- Changed weak UZB monarchs to excellent ministers, as they really ruled in the 1750s
- Made Susquehanna Lenape culture and make Savannah Creek culture
- Changed climate of Walata in Africa from snow to Tropical
- Corrected galley setting for some Mediterranean provinces
- Change random "English pirates" event from invalid province # 1389 to -1 (random province)
- Add Anspach as a Minimum Province for GER, as it was only listed as a capital.
- Added Samarkand to TOX, Granada to ALM, Würzburg to FRC, and Toubkal to NAF; these are all necessary to make the nations contiguous
- Change capitals of SAV and NAV revolters to historically correct provinces, Piedmonte 404 and Bearn 425 respectively
- Add straits graphic between Jylland - Sjæland and Sjæland - Skåne to match actual terrain
- Add text to POR Meuthen Agreement action names to make clear the player will become a vassal of ENG in Option A
- Renamed Ural River to Ob and Irtych Rivers
- Scottish provinces except for the Highlands are now anglo-saxon culture in the 18th century.
- England no longer has the gaelic culture in 1773 and 1795.
- Correct dates for Duque de Alba and Gustav III.
- Monarchs for Polotsk should now work properly.
- Added a blockable strait between Strathclyde and Ulster.
- Added a blockable strait between Gibraltar and Tangiers.
- Added a blockable strait between Calais and Kent.
- Kexholm is now orthodox in the early scenarios.
- Gave KNI core on Malta when they get it from SPA, and remove their core on Rhodes if they choose to become SPA vassals
- Removed Maranhao from BRZ revolter to make its territory contiguous
- Added fortress and bailiff to Finnmark in 1600 and all later scenarios (as they are there in the 1492 scenario)
- Up populations of misc Spanish colonies from ~700 to 1,000 in later scenarios
- All nations designated Whiteman = 100 in Fantasia scenario
- Added in historical Spanish King Luis I who reigned for 9 months in 1724, when he died and his father (the previous monarch) ruled again
- Correct mine values for 3 provinces.
- Add port to Algarve (Sagres) and change city name to the correct capital, Faro
- Remove port from Emilia (as there were and are none there)
- Added in about 30 leaders for HEL (Switzerland)
- Correct BAE entry in revolt.txt
- Point MOS to RUS tactics info file info in Age of Exploration
- Added the Azores to the POR ToT territory
- Added Meath to known provinces for Austria in 1617.
- Fixed adjacency for Karelia.
- Added Provence to HRE.


- Correct triggers on "build a great palace" random events
- Changed effect of SCO #John Knox and the Religious Strife# event to implement Reformed religion, not Protestant
- Added {exists = FRA} trigger to ENG #The Bank Restriction Act# event, as historically it required an anti-French coalition to exist
- Added "exists = ENG" trigger to FRA #Eden Agreement# event
- Fix ENG, FRA, HAB and SPA #Dutch Nobility Demand Estates# events
- # Jean Parisot de la Valette now gives a fort at Malta, not a random province.
- Triggers for the Great Palace event fixed.
- Removed #St:Petersburg# event 3424 as being already triggered in AoEn, to allow historical move to St.P.
- Corrected triggers of #The Dutch Revolt is successful!# events to point to correct "Repatriation of the Netherlands" event of each nation, rather than to the BUR version that they all point to now.
- Moved DAN event #The Regency of J.H.E. Bernstorff# to 16 Jan to match history
- Corrected dates in #Sir Francis Walsingham# event and #Sir Thomas Gresham's Currency Reform# event
- Corrected #Jean Parisot de la Valette# event to give fortress in Capital, not Malta
- Changed duplicate EVENTNAME to EVENTHIST in several NIP events
- Changed option B of SWE #The Great Army Reorganization# event to give -1 VP instead of do nothing, as the empty tooltip confused players
- Correct action_c name from ACTIONNAME3386B to ACTIONNAME3386C in TUR #The Reforms of Kemankes (Kara Mustafa Pasha)# event
- Added trigger so that CYP has to be vassal of VEN for Venice to inherit it
- Changed HAN to CHIHAN culture in one Manchu event
- Spanish State Bankruptcy event 3164, dropped inflation hit from 15% to 10% as it has more severe effects now.
- Reduce size of Inflation hit in all events due to its worse effects now
- TUR "The 1st Celali Uprising" event 3370 added religion != shiite trigger
- TUR "The Great Naval Reform / Imperial Halic Shipyard" event 3367 added ownership of Thrace trigger.
- Restored "flagname" command to ENG Act of Union event
- Remove 478 Smyrna from conversion to Shiite in option C.
- "Turko-Persian Conflicts" event as it was Orthodox until the 1920s.


- Revised looks of ITA and HOL flags/shields.
- Revised icon positions slightly.
- Spellchecked a lot of stuff in the game.
- Changed to another internal directplay protocol to decrease latency.
- Changed the tag for Han culture to "chihan" to not confusing it internally with the tag for the country Hanover.
- Just peeking at religion sliders without changing will no longer cause revolt checks after the first change has been done.
- Improved checksum checking for multiplayer games.
- Moved straits definitions to a moddable file. mapadj_defs.csv
- Exported HRE, Spanish ToT & Portuguese ToT values to province.csv
- Added JUCD75_5_Anonymus (Gaudete), which was present but unused, to 15C music file

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