Deathmatch is a straight head to head mode where up to 32 players are pitted against each other in various arenas, the objective being to kill your opponents and make you claim for the top score. Team Deathmatch allows players to team up and collectively aim for their place at the top of the kill table.
Co-operative levels allow up to 8 players can form their own squad of 'Mobile Infantry' and play together to defeat the bugs. Here’s the desperate situation in one of the new maps:
Whilst transporting a squadron of Marauders back to their command ship, your ship is hit and downed in the heart of Bug territory. You’ve got a Mech Trooper who can fix the ship but he needs some spares, which must be located from another busted ship. This is hostile territory and the arachnids know you’re there – but if everyone stays behind to protect the mechanic, who is going to get the parts from the broken drop ship?
Starship Troopers the videogame has to be played to be believed! Become totally immersed in immense bug-blasting battles in both famous action-packed scenes from Paul Verhoeven’s classic movie and never-before-experienced settings and stories from the Starship Troopers universe.
Remember – kill anything with more than two legs!
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