Created by Kojima Productions and headed by the world-renowned game creator Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Ac!d 2 incorporates a completely new graphics engine which provides innovative on-screen imagery. The game features brighter, more colorful, comic book-style visuals, which dynamically enhance the impact of the card effects. In addition, all-new action scenes have been added to the gameplay, providing even more exhilaration and suspense to the game. The completely original story fuses the rich world of the Metal Gear series with Acid's exclusive gameplay mechanics. Metal Gear Ac!d 2 delivers more than twice the adventure and strategy experience compared to the previous release.
To help first-time players familiarize themselves with the world of Metal Gear Ac!d, a new tutorial stage has been added, including a hands-on introduction to the extensive card system and other gameplay elements. The game's interface has also been refined as players can now build strategies more intuitively, choose more card types than the previous installment and engage in more highly strategic, tactical battles.
Metal Gear Ac!d 2 unleashes a whole host of hidden advanced features, including showdowns with a succession of the most popular characters from the Metal Gear series, and much more.
Features :
- Cool visual style and graphic effects never before seen in a Metal Gear game
- More expansive turn based strategy system gives players even more abilities
- All new Metal Gear storyline focusing on Solid Snake
- Includes weapons and items based from all Metal Gear games
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