Get Democracy demo off WP (7mb)
Democracy starts with you as President (or Prime-Minister) of a fictional country. The country is a run as a simple democracy where you need to get over 50% of the vote each election in order to remain in power. The object of the game is to stay in power as long as possible (there are no limits as to how many terms you may be elected president).
The player influences the voters and the country by putting in place policies. Policies are things like "Free Health Care" and can be modified using sliders to decide how much money (and effort) is put into each policy. Different voting groups will have very different (often conflicting) views as to which policies are desirable.
The simulation behind the game also models a large number of variables which determine the condition of your country. Your policies might be popular at first, but they might lead to a fall in productivity, increased commuter journey times, increased air pollution... All these variables come back to haunt you, and to stay in power over several terms you will have to think far ahead.
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