Get the Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Level Editor off WP (33mb)
This editor enables you to create new maps. You may use existing packages or create your own static mesh packages. New objects can be created (and included in new static mesh packages) either by converting brushes or by combining existing static meshes. Use convertToStaticMesh feature to do so... please see related documentation. You may also create objects on 3DSMax and import them via the editor.
Note : You need to have the game "Splinter Cell Chaos Theory" installed in order to playtest the map you have produced.
Note : if you have installed the game, this map editor is automatically installed during gameinstallation. The documentation is available on the DVD in the directory Extras.
- This readme file
- VsMapeditor_Program : the map editor program and other files necessary to launch it
- VSMapEditor_Docs : some documentations :
* SCPT Map building Overview.doc
* ConvertToStaticMeshes.doc (About usage of ConvertToStaticMesh contextual menu)
* Editor_FromPandora_To_ChaosTheory.doc
* Geometric Event
-VSMApEditor_3DSMaxPlugin : a few plugins for 3DSMax
A specific forum dedicated to the editor's users is available at
Installation :
Unzip the VSMapEditor_Program directory anywhere
If you want to use Max, you will need to install the plug-ins found in VSMapEditor_3DSMaxPlugIn
Note : You cannot modify the original map files, if you want to do so anyway, save them with a different filename.
Making your maps available for other players :
Once you have done a new map, and are ready to make it available to other players, produce a zip file that contains :
* the .sdc file produced (it will be located in Packages/Maps)
* the new StaticMesh packages you may have created (they will be located in Packages/StaticMeshes)
* the new Textures packages you may have created (they will be located in Packages/Textures)
* the xxxxxx-i.utc file produced (with the same name as the map) in Packages.Textures
* the new Sound packages you may have created (they will be located in Packages/Sound)
Important Recommendations :
- Do not erase or rename the original packages and maps of the game or it may be damaged and you will need to reinstall the game.
- You won't be able to connect if you don't have exactly the same maps and packages than the other players in the network session.
- Only static meshes packages can be modified, prefab packages and maps can be created
- Be careful to have unique names for all packages, maps, objects etc...
- The name of the maps should be 5 characters long with 3 characters and a number on 2 characters. E.g : "MUS08"
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