Created by Giant Interactive Entertainment, Ltd. and Traveller’s Tales, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game features a unique game world and characters built from virtual LEGO blocks. Within the game, players relive the most memorable scenes from the most recent Star Wars movies, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and the forthcoming film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
“LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game literally combines the ‘force’ of two childhood powerhouses, LEGO and Star Wars, to create an action-adventure title designed to appeal to everyone, especially young game players,” said Jefferson Dong, global brand manager, Eidos. “Anyone who has ever known the joy of building with LEGO blocks or been entranced by Star Wars will find themselves drawn in by this game.”
Gamers can play as more than 40 of their favorite Star Wars characters through more than 18 levels, experiencing the complete storyline of the first three movies in the Star Wars saga with plenty of action, puzzles, and unique LEGO Star Wars humor. Additionally, players can enjoy a two-player cooperative play mode that lets a second player drop in and out of the action without interrupting gameplay.
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