Based on the highly anticipated animated feature film from DreamWorks, MadagascarTM is the only game that lets players enter the world of four hilarious Central Park Zoo animals—a personality-packed crew made up of a lion, zebra, giraffe and hippo. Players must master each animal's natural skills while adventuring through the exciting city of New York and the dangerous island of Madagascar, interacting with other animals and tackling obstacles and enemies in scenarios from the movie and beyond.
PT Boats: Knights of the Sea E3 2005 Trailer (85mb)
PT Boats is the first simulator of the Mosquito-fleet, created with the use of technologies of a level never seen before in naval combat simulator games. The key features are: astonishingly beautiful dynamic sea, historically authentic World War II ships and weapons, possibility to control any member of the crew and a multiplayer game. Patrol Torpedo Boats were used in WW2 mainly to attack large cruiser due ot their maneuverability and speed.
Starship Troopers Trailer (92mb)
Developed internally by Empire's award-winning Strangelite Studio, the game will be released on PC, and all current and next generation consoles. The game will be based on the movie of the same name and animated series franchise.
Swashbucklers: Blue & Grey 3 2005 Trailer (30mb)
Swashbucklers: Blue & Grey is a naval Action/RPG game set in time of the American Civil War - the time of last pirate renaissance on the Caribbean. Previously known as Swashbuckler's: Legacy of the Drake, Akella has not only renamed its naval combat title, but also changed the setting from the War of 1812 to the American Civil War.