Shin Megami Tensei Lucifer’s Call is actually the third installment in the successful Shin Megami Tensei series, which first appeared on Nintendo’ Super Famicom. Shin Megami Tensei Lucifer’s Call is based on the Premium “Maniax” edition of the game. It features a special appearance of one of the most famous characters in the video games’ history: Dante from Capcom’s blockbuster series Devil May Cry.
Set in post-apocalyptic Tokyo, the entire world’s population has been nearly annihilated by a global catastrophe called the Conception. The demonic forces have now invaded the Earth. The fate of the planet lies on the shoulders of one boy, who must fight these demonic forces to avoid the world being destroyed. In his quest, the young hero will face more than 100 different species of demons that can be recruited to build the most powerful team. These allies can also be fused together so as to create new demons. The hero will also have to use the power of Megatama, living parasites that grant him with demonic powers. Wisely used, these items will add a tactical touch to the rich combat system of Shin Megami Tensei Lucifer’s Call.
“The game is a clear departure from RPG norms with its post-apocalyptic settings and mature themes”, says John Parkes, EMEA Marketing Director at Ubisoft. “The amazing character design by the Japanese artist Kazuma Kaneko, combined with the original gameplay made Shin Megami Tensei Lucifer’s call a success in Japan and US. We’re pleased to bring this great RPG experience to the European RPG audience that has been eagerly waiting to play the game.”
Players will enjoy the richness of the game with more than fifty hours of gameplay. The entire game will be localized in English, French and German and is planned to be released End June .