A prequel to the original best-selling "Dead to Rights," Grant City is once again thrown into chaos in "Dead to Rights: Reckoning," as a significant informant is kidnapped and only Jack Slate has the means and the resolve to make things right. A tough cop fighting on the edge of the law, Jack must use his street smarts and a fearsome arsenal of hand-to-hand combat, pistols, shotguns and heavy automatic weaponry to bring the criminals of Grant City to justice.
"Dead to Rights: Reckoning" features a collection of all-new, all-lethal moves including tackling disarms, diving and firing from a prone position and dual wielding even the most powerful of weapons. Jack is once again joined by his faithful K-9 partner, Shadow, who can now unleash four-legged savagery on even boss characters and make the city^Òs toughest thugs think twice about asking for trouble. For the first time in the series, "Dead to Rights: Reckoning" lets players go head to head in wireless multiplayer deathmatches for up to four players. Virtual crime fighters can use points accumulated in the single player game to unlock additional multiplayer skins, levels and an assortment of outrageous cheats.
"With its fast-paced action, sharp graphics, and multiplayer firefights, 'Dead to Rights: Reckoning' is a perfect fit for the PSP system," said Jeff Lujan, business director with Namco Hometek, Inc. "We have added a selection of all-new moves and features based on fan requests to deliver the ultimate hard-boiled cop action experience, and one of the most heart-pounding portable gaming
experiences available."